Our program is Bible-based, filled with music, crafts, Bible time and fun; and is led by a passionate team of leaders who love Jesus and love kids.
HBC Kids
Welcome to HBC Kids
Kids Ministry is vital. We believe the good news of Jesus' love in the best news in the world for every child! Here at HBC Kids Ministry is vital. We believe the good news of Jesus’ love is the best news in the world for every child!

JNR YTH upcoming event…
Our year 5/6s are heading to Bounce Sat March 15th. There will be bouncing, food, a testimony and more!
For more info and to register, click below:
Our vision for our children is that they will learn the gospel of Jesus' saving love, build a strong foundation on God's Word, choose to personally follow Jesus, walk daily with God, enjoy fellowship with friends and share the gospel with others.
Want to see what we are listening to in Kids Church?
Have a listen to the songs that we are doing this year! Check out the playlists below:
Essential Agreements
We ask our Kid's Ministry participants to follow a few expectations when joining our program.
God has a big plan for our lives. He wants us to know His love and show His love to everyone! We come to hear God's word, to praise Him, to pray and to spend time together. We do this well when we share and take turns, listen to each other, obey our leaders and speak with kindness. We choose to be calm, self-controlled and respectful. We give all the activities a go with a good attitude. If we can see that you are trying your best to do these things then you are welcome here. Everyone will get two reminders if they have forgotten to follow these agreements. After this you will need to return to your parents for the rest of the service. You have a choice, so make it a good one.