
Local Missions

Hills Baptist is a community of every-day people from many life and church backgrounds, united in our shared experience of the loving grace and forgiveness that comes through Jesus Christ. Our heart is to know and follow Jesus practically and passionately.

Hills Baptist seeks to reflect the light of the Gospel in everything we do from Sunday worship to diverse ministries both in the church and in the wider community.

'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.

Mark 12:30-31 • The Bible (NIV)

While we do this as a whole community through different ministries we are also called to shine the light of God’s presence seven days a week as we go to our places of work, study, recreation and in our homes.

Hills Baptist is an exciting place to be involved in sharing the Good News of the Gospel in creative and meaningful ways.

Hills Baptist Church is partnering with Foodbank SA to provide food boxes for those in need in our local community.

Expressions of God’s heart

As expressions of God’s heart and compassion for people we offer courses at different times on grief & loss, parenting,marriage, mental health, financial management and many other life issues that people struggle with. Many people from Hills Baptist volunteer with Encounter Youth’s Schoolies Festival and the Hindley Street project.

Supporting School Chaplains

Together with other Hills churches we support School Chaplains in local schools with student mentoring, breakfast clubs and general well being and spiritual support. We also partner with other local churches for the annual Stirling Christmas Pageant followed by Combined Churches Service in Stirling.

Christian faith and God’s love

As people seek to know more about the Christian faith and God’s love for them we offer opportunities such as Alpha where people can explore the Christian faith in more detail. Life Groups, Young Adults, Youth Group, Boomers and other opportunities are provided for people to connect, grow and find meaningful relationships with God and each other.

Want to make a difference in your community?

Find a local mission program at Hills.

Cross Cultural Mission

Hills Baptist takes seriously God’s call to be his witness to the ends of the earth, and has a rich history of support for overseas mission work. Through the years we have supported a number of families called by God to cross-cultural mission.

Hills Baptist Church, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, seeks to encourage an atmosphere in which our members of all ages will be stimulated, motivated and educated to hear and respond to the call of cross-cultural mission on our lives. 

While we support people from Hills Baptist to work overseas we understand best practise principles of supporting local Indigenous workers in both church planting and working with the poor. Our current missions and missionary support reflects this balance.

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and know, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.

Matthew 28: 19-20 • The Bible (NIV)

The Cross Cultural Missions Team offers specialised guidance, teaching and support to those of our number who are directly involved in cross-cultural mission, to those who are sensing a personal call to cross cultural ministry, tho those who are in training and to those who have returned from active mission involvement.

Currently Hills Baptist is supporting.

Kurt + Angie Mahlburg

Establishing the Hohidiai Early Learning Centre, Indonesia

Hien Stone + Company of Grace

Providing young, disabled people with education, vocational training, and rehabilitation, Vietnam

Dave + Alicia Barnett

Translating the Bible to Pitjatjantjara with the Bible Society, Australia

Mark + Lorene van Rossen

Establishing the Red Sea Counselling and Member Care Centre, Cairns

Andy + Lorinda Wishart

Serving at Hope International School, Cambodia


Independent evangelism and projects in Indonesia

Miracle Connect

A media ministry reaching out to the Middle East with the gospel of Jesus Christ

The Red Sea

Supporting Christian cross-cultural workers through counselling, Member Care disciplines and training, Cairns

Want to make a difference?

Be part of a Global Mission program through Hills Baptist.